Traitement de la perte de cheveux par plasmolifting (Plasma capillaire) en Turquie
Au fil des ans, de nombreux traitements cosmétiques ont émergé pour corriger les parties du corps avec lesquelles les gens ne sont pas satisfaits. Le traitement de la perte de cheveux par plasmolifting en fait partie. La plupart du temps, les patients qui commencent à perdre leurs cheveux préfèrent ce traitement de la perte de cheveux par plasmolifting (Plasma capillaire) à la clinique Medworld Hair d’Antalya, en Turquie, car les cheveux deviennent plus forts, plus sains et plus épais avec ce traitement. Chez Medworld Hair Clinic, nous souhaitons partager les détails sur le traitement de la perte de cheveux par plasmolifting.

Premièrement, le sang du patient est prélevé pour être traité afin d’être enrichi en certaines substances. Deuxièmement, cette substance soigneusement traitée est injectée dans les racines faibles et problématiques des cheveux. Le traitement de la perte de cheveux par plasmolifting n’implique aucun produit chimique ni médicament. Au contraire, il est entièrement naturel et renforce les racines capillaires, qui sont faibles, et prévient la chute des cheveux.

Plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment phases in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
Collecting blood phase
From the patient, our healthcare personnel takes a 10cc blood sample.
Centrifugation of the blood sample
To sort white and red blood cells out, it is put in a centrifugal machine. At the end of this process, substances that are rich and poor in thrombocytes emerge. The substance that is rich in thrombocytes will support hair follicles to be strong. This processing phase lasts in ten minutes in the process of plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
Applying the substance that is rich in thrombocytes
Our surgeons inject it under the patient’s scalp. The injected substance is of high quality, which triggers new cell generation. The area of problematic hair follicles is anesthetized before the application. Thus, it is painless. One session only takes 20 minutes.

Who are good candidates for Plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment phases in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya?
Any person who starts losing hair can benefit from this hair loss treatment before it is too late. However, people that have cancer in their medical history and take blood thinners can not have this hair loss treatment.
What are the risks of Plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment phases in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya?
Plasmolifting hair loss (plasma hair) treatment means taking blood from the patient’s own body and injecting it back after the configuration process. It does not include any foreign substances other than the patient’s own blood, so there are no risks or side effects of plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya.
The most painless hair loss treatment
Since the part losing hair is anesthetized before the application of plasmolifting hair loss treatment and small needles are used for injection, it is painless.
How often is Plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment applied in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya?
In general, plasma hair treatment is applied from 6 to 8 sessions once a month or every 15 days related to the patient’s thrombocytes level in the blood. However, in our Medworld Hair Clinic, we prefer to apply plasmolifting hair loss treatment at the end of hair transplantation operation. It depends on the patient’s will to get the best result from plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya.
When will the patient start noticing the difference?
The patient can observe the difference at the first session. However, it varies related to the size of the area that loses hair.

Keep in mind to get the best result after Plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment applied in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
- To increase the effectiveness of the injections, the area of the scalp in which the thrombocyte-rich plasma injections will be applied must be sterilized before plasmolifting hair loss (plasma hair) treatment starts.
- Since you may experience side effects like dizziness, nausea and fatigue after the session, it is important to consume enough water and have a light breakfast.
- You can return to their normal daily life activities immediately after the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
- If you do not have any irritation in the area that is injected with thrombocyte-rich plasma, you can wash your hair with shampoo as usual. Even if you feel some irritation, it is temporary and fades away in a few hours.
Success rate of the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
As with every medical treatment, persistence is essential to get a successful result from the plasma hair treatment. The success rate of the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya is 90 percent. Our patients that have this treatment with hair mesotherapy and hair transplantation operations besides medications and special formulas get the best results.

Is the success rate of the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey high among all patients?
Aesthetic plastic surgery,a scientific magazine, has published the results of the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment. According to the findings of the experiments of the research, it is obvious that the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment helps to reduce hair loss, even to stop completely. In addition, the density of the hair increases and it gets stronger.
These scientific research findings prove that plasmolifting hair loss (plasma hair) treatment is a promising hair loss treatment for the patients that have alopecia and hair loss. However, consulting a dermatologist before the hair treatment would be good not to experience side effects, although they are few and can be treated easily.
Good to know about the plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya
- This hair loss treatment is convenient for women and men.
- From 18 years old to 70, everyone can benefit.
- Hair loss due to stress can be treated with plasmolifting hair loss (plasma hair) treatment.
- It is an efficient hair loss treatment for people that have alopecia.
- To get the highest success rate, patients that start losing hair must immediately have this plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment in Turkey Medworld Hair Clinic in Antalya.
People whose hair becomes weak should have this hair loss treatment because their hair follicles are more active than alopecia patients’.
If you are one of those people that have hair loss problems, you can contact us and get free consultation from Medworld Hair Clinic, Antalya. Our plasmolifting hair loss (Plasma hair) treatment costs are very affordable in Turkey. However, to get the best result, it is better to start as soon as possible because it takes time to see the impacts of sessions.